Sunday, September 25, 2011

Forget me not

Forget me not,
my Lord, my God,
as I struggle through this life
Forget me not,
my Father, my Brother,
through my tribulations and strife
Forget me not,
my Savior, my Redeemer,
as I come to thee in prayer
Forget me no
oh Jehovah, oh Christ
as I calmly feel thy care
Forget me not
my comforter, my protector,
as I constantly do wrong
Forget me not
my companion, my friend,
as I jubilantly sing thy song
Forget me no,
my daughter, my son,
from the moment of your birth
Forget me not
my ambassador, my hands,
I’ll guide you here on earth
I’ll forget thee not,
my warrior, my soldier,
I’ll keep you forever strong
I’ll remember thee always
my child, my love,
I’ll help you eternity long